Welcome Parents!
Thank you for checking out my website! The information posted on this website is here for you just as much as it is for students and colleagues, and I hope you are able to find useful information. Here, I will post updates regarding what students are doing in class, and ways that you can get involved. Instructions or guides will be provided here for you to walk through your student's assignments with them. Education comes in all different forms, from all different people, in all different places, and the most important of those places is in the home. Please feel free to ask any questions or voice any concerns you may have either in person or by email. It is important that you, your students, and myself are all on the same page during our time together, and I will do my best to keep you well informed. My ultimate goal is for your students to be as successful as they possibly can be, no matter what goals they have. I have made it my responsibility to ensure that each student has a safe and respectable environment within the walls of my classroom.
"A child educated only in school is an uneducated child"- George Santayana